JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

JBoss AS 7.0

Parsing and marshalling of the subsystem xml

JBoss AS 7 uses the Stax API to parse the xml files. This is initialized in SubsystemExtension by mapping our parser onto our namespace:

public class SubsystemExtension implements Extension {

    /** The name space used for the {@code subsystem} element */
    public static final String NAMESPACE = "urn:com.acme.corp.tracker:1.0";

    /** The parser used for parsing our subsystem */
    private final SubsystemParser parser = new SubsystemParser();

    public void initializeParsers(ExtensionParsingContext context) {
        context.setSubsystemXmlMapping(NAMESPACE, parser);

We then need to write the parser. The contract is that we read our subsystem's xml and create the operations that will populate the model with the state contained in the xml. These operations will then be executed on our behalf as part of the parsing process. The entry point is the readElement() method.

public class SubsystemExtension implements Extension {
    private static ModelNode createAddSubsystemOperation() {
        final ModelNode subsystem = new ModelNode();
        subsystem.get(OP_ADDR).add(SUBSYSTEM, SUBSYSTEM_NAME);
        return subsystem;

     * The subsystem parser, which uses stax to read and write to and from xml
    private static class SubsystemParser implements XMLStreamConstants, XMLElementReader<List<ModelNode>>, XMLElementWriter<SubsystemMarshallingContext> {

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void readElement(XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, List<ModelNode> list) throws XMLStreamException {
            // Require no attributes

            //Add the main subsystem 'add' operation

            //Read the children
            while (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != END_ELEMENT) {
                if (!reader.getLocalName().equals("deployment-types")) {
                    throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader);
                while (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != END_ELEMENT) {
                    if (reader.isStartElement()) {
                        readDeploymentType(reader, list);

        private void readDeploymentType(XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, List<ModelNode> list) throws XMLStreamException {
            if (!reader.getLocalName().equals("deployment-type")) {
                throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader);
            String suffix = null;
            Long tick = null;
            for (int i = 0 ; i < reader.getAttributeCount() ; i++) {
                String attr = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
                if (attr.equals("tick")){
                    tick = Long.valueOf(reader.getAttributeValue(i));
                } else if (attr.equals("suffix")){
                    suffix = reader.getAttributeValue(i);
                } else {
                    throw ParseUtils.unexpectedAttribute(reader, i);
            if (suffix == null) {
                throw ParseUtils.missingRequiredElement(reader, Collections.singleton("suffix"));

            //Add the 'add' operation for each 'type' child
            ModelNode addType = new ModelNode();
            PathAddress addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(PathElement.pathElement(SUBSYSTEM, SUBSYSTEM_NAME), PathElement.pathElement("type", suffix));
            if (tick != null) {

So in the above we always create the add operation for our subsystem (createAddSubsystemOperation(). Due to its address /subsystem=tracker this will trigger the SubsystemAddHandler we created earlier when we invoke /subsystem=tracker:add. We then parse the child elements and create an add operation for the child address for each type child. Since the address will for example be /subsystem=tracker/type=sar and TypeAddHandler is registered for all type subaddresses the TypeAddHandler will get invoked for those operations.

The parser is also used to marshal the model to xml whenever something modifies the model, for which the entry point is the writeContent() method:

    private static class SubsystemParser implements XMLStreamConstants, XMLElementReader<List<ModelNode>>, XMLElementWriter<SubsystemMarshallingContext> {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void writeContent(final XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, final SubsystemMarshallingContext context) throws XMLStreamException {

            //Write out the main subsystem element
            context.startSubsystemElement(SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE, false);


            ModelNode node = context.getModelNode();
            ModelNode type = node.get("type");
            for (Property property : type.asPropertyList()) {

                //write each child element to xml
                writer.writeAttribute("suffix", property.getName());
                ModelNode entry = property.getValue();
                if (entry.hasDefined("tick")) {
                    writer.writeAttribute("tick", entry.get("tick").asString());

            //End deployment-types
            //End subsystem

Then we have to implement the SubsystemDescribeHandler which translates the current state of the model into operations similar to the ones created by the parser. The SubsystemDescribeHandler is only used when running in a managed domain, and is used when the host controller queries the domain controller for the configuration of the profile used to start up each server. In our case the SubsystemDescribeHandler adds the operation to add the subsystem and then adds the operation to add each type child:

    private static class SubsystemDescribeHandler implements OperationStepHandler, DescriptionProvider {
        static final SubsystemDescribeHandler INSTANCE = new SubsystemDescribeHandler();

        public void execute(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
            //Add the main operation

            //Add the operations to create each child

            ModelNode node = context.readModel(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
            for (Property property : node.get("type").asPropertyList()) {

                ModelNode addType = new ModelNode();
                PathAddress addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(PathElement.pathElement(SUBSYSTEM, SUBSYSTEM_NAME), PathElement.pathElement("type", property.getName()));
                if (property.getValue().hasDefined("tick")) {

        public ModelNode getModelDescription(Locale locale) {
            return CommonDescriptions.getSubsystemDescribeOperation(locale);

Testing the parsers

Changes to tests between 7.0.0 and 7.0.1

The testing framework was moved from the archetype into the core JBoss AS 7 sources between JBoss AS 7.0.0 and JBoss AS 7.0.1, and has been improved upon and is used internally for testing JBoss AS 7's subsystems. The differences between the two versions is that in 7.0.0.Final the testing framework is bundled with the code generated by the archetype (in a sub-package of the package specified for your subsystem, e.g. com.acme.corp.tracker.support), and the test extends the AbstractParsingTest class.

From 7.0.1 the testing framework is now brought in via the org.jboss.as:jboss-as-subsystem-test maven artifact, and the test's superclass is org.jboss.as.subsystem.test.AbstractSubsystemTest. The concepts are the same but more and more functionality will be available as JBoss AS 7 is developed.

Now that we have modified our parsers we need to update our tests to reflect the new model. There are currently three tests testing the basic functionality, something which is a lot easier to debug from your IDE before you plug it into the application server. We will talk about these tests in turn and they all live in com.acme.corp.tracker.extension.SubsystemParsingTestCase. SubsystemParsingTestCase extends AbstractSubsystemTest which does a lot of the setup for you and contains utility methods for verifying things from your test. See the javadoc of that class for more information about the functionality available to you. And by all means feel free to add more tests for your subsystem, here we are only testing for the best case scenario while you will probably want to throw in a few tests for edge cases.

The first test we need to modify is testParseSubsystem(). It tests that the parsed xml becomes the expected operations that will be parsed into the server, so let us tweak this test to match our subsystem. First we tell the test to parse the xml into operations

    public void testParseSubsystem() throws Exception {
        //Parse the subsystem xml into operations
        String subsystemXml =
                "<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
                "   <deployment-types>" +
                "       <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
                "   </deployment-types>" +
        List<ModelNode> operations = super.parse(subsystemXml);

There should be one operation for adding the subsystem itself and an operation for adding the deployment-type, so check we got two operations

        ///Check that we have the expected number of operations
        Assert.assertEquals(2, operations.size());

Now check that the first operation is add for the address /subsystem=tracker:

        //Check that each operation has the correct content
        //The add subsystem operation will happen first
        ModelNode addSubsystem = operations.get(0);
        Assert.assertEquals(ADD, addSubsystem.get(OP).asString());
        PathAddress addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(addSubsystem.get(OP_ADDR));
        Assert.assertEquals(1, addr.size());
        PathElement element = addr.getElement(0);
        Assert.assertEquals(SUBSYSTEM, element.getKey());
        Assert.assertEquals(SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, element.getValue());

Then check that the second operation is add for the address /subsystem=tracker, and that 12345 was picked up for the value of the tick parameter:

        //Then we will get the add type operation
        ModelNode addType = operations.get(1);
        Assert.assertEquals(ADD, addType.get(OP).asString());
        Assert.assertEquals(12345, addType.get("tick").asLong());
        addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(addType.get(OP_ADDR));
        Assert.assertEquals(2, addr.size());
        element = addr.getElement(0);
        Assert.assertEquals(SUBSYSTEM, element.getKey());
        Assert.assertEquals(SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, element.getValue());
        element = addr.getElement(1);
        Assert.assertEquals("type", element.getKey());
        Assert.assertEquals("tst", element.getValue());

The second test we need to modify is testInstallIntoController() which tests that the xml installs properly into the controller. In other words we are making sure that the add operations we created earlier work properly. First we create the xml and install it into the controller. Behind the scenes this will parse the xml into operations as we saw in the last test, but it will also create a new controller and boot that up using the created operations

    public void testInstallIntoController() throws Exception {
        //Parse the subsystem xml and install into the controller
        String subsystemXml =
                "<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
                "   <deployment-types>" +
                "       <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
                "   </deployment-types>" +
        KernelServices services = super.installInController(subsystemXml);

The returned KernelServices allow us to execute operations on the controller, and to read the whole model.

        //Read the whole model and make sure it looks as expected
        ModelNode model = services.readWholeModel();
        //Useful for debugging :-)

Now we make sure that the structure of the model within the controller has the expected format and values

        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME).hasDefined("type"));
        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type").hasDefined("tst"));
        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst").hasDefined("tick"));
        Assert.assertEquals(12345, model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst", "tick").asLong());

The last test provided is called testParseAndMarshalModel(). It's main purpose is to make sure that our SubsystemParser.writeContent() works as expected. This is achieved by starting a controller in the same way as before

    public void testParseAndMarshalModel() throws Exception {
        //Parse the subsystem xml and install into the first controller
        String subsystemXml =
                "<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
                "   <deployment-types>" +
                "       <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
                "   </deployment-types>" +
        KernelServices servicesA = super.installInController(subsystemXml);

Now we read the model and the xml that was persisted from the first controller, and use that xml to start a second controller

        //Get the model and the persisted xml from the first controller
        ModelNode modelA = servicesA.readWholeModel();
        String marshalled = servicesA.getPersistedSubsystemXml();

        //Install the persisted xml from the first controller into a second controller
        KernelServices servicesB = super.installInController(marshalled);

Finally we read the model from the second controller, and make sure that the models are identical by calling compare() on the test superclass.

        ModelNode modelB = servicesB.readWholeModel();

        //Make sure the models from the two controllers are identical
        super.compare(modelA, modelB);

We then have a test that needs no changing from what the archetype provides us with. As we have seen before we start a controller

    public void testDescribeHandler() throws Exception {
        //Parse the subsystem xml and install into the first controller
        String subsystemXml =
                "<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
        KernelServices servicesA = super.installInController(subsystemXml);

We then call /subsystem=tracker:describe which outputs the subsystem as operations needed to reach the current state (Done by our SubsystemDescribeHandler)

        //Get the model and the describe operations from the first controller
        ModelNode modelA = servicesA.readWholeModel();
        ModelNode describeOp = new ModelNode();
                        PathElement.pathElement(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME)).toModelNode());
        List<ModelNode> operations = super.checkResultAndGetContents(servicesA.executeOperation(describeOp)).asList();

Then we create a new controller using those operations

        //Install the describe options from the first controller into a second controller
        KernelServices servicesB = super.installInController(operations);

And then we read the model from the second controller and make sure that the two subsystems are identical
ModelNode modelB = servicesB.readWholeModel();

        //Make sure the models from the two controllers are identical
        super.compare(modelA, modelB);


For good measure let us throw in another test which adds a deployment-type and also changes its attribute at runtime. So first of all boot up the controller with the same xml we have been using so far

    public void testExecuteOperations() throws Exception {
        String subsystemXml =
                "<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
                "   <deployment-types>" +
                "       <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
                "   </deployment-types>" +
        KernelServices services = super.installInController(subsystemXml);

Now create an operation which does the same as the following CLI command /subsystem=tracker/type=foo:add(tick=1000)

        //Add another type
        PathAddress fooTypeAddr = PathAddress.pathAddress(
                PathElement.pathElement(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME),
                PathElement.pathElement("type", "foo"));
        ModelNode addOp = new ModelNode();

Execute the operation and make sure it was successful

        ModelNode result = services.executeOperation(addOp);
        Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, result.get(OUTCOME).asString());

Read the whole model and make sure that the original data is still there (i.e. the same as what was done by testInstallIntoController()

        ModelNode model = services.readWholeModel();
        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME).hasDefined("type"));
        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type").hasDefined("tst"));
        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst").hasDefined("tick"));
        Assert.assertEquals(12345, model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst", "tick").asLong());

Then make sure our new type has been added:

        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type").hasDefined("foo"));
        Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "foo").hasDefined("tick"));
        Assert.assertEquals(1000, model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "foo", "tick").asLong());

Then we call write-attribute to change the tick value of /subsystem=tracker/type=foo:

        //Call write-attribute
        ModelNode writeOp = new ModelNode();
        result = services.executeOperation(writeOp);
        Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, result.get(OUTCOME).asString());

To give you exposure to other ways of doing things, now instead of reading the whole model to check the attribute, we call read-attribute instead, and make sure it has the value we set it to.

        //Check that write attribute took effect, this time by calling read-attribute instead of reading the whole model
        ModelNode readOp = new ModelNode();
        result = services.executeOperation(readOp);
        Assert.assertEquals(3456, checkResultAndGetContents(result).asLong());

Since each type installs its own copy of TrackerService, we get the TrackerService for type=foo from the service container exposed by the kernel services and make sure it has the right value

        TrackerService service = (TrackerService)services.getContainer().getService(TrackerService.createServiceName("foo")).getValue();
        Assert.assertEquals(3456, service.getTick());
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 13:20:08 UTC, last content change 2011-08-22 11:50:16 UTC.